Instrumental Music Leadership Counsel (IMLC)
The Instrumental Music Leadership Council (IMLC) is a group of students that are talented, driven and extremely dedicated to the program. Each member of the IMLC is an inspiring member of the program that others look up to for guidance and direction. They volunteer hundreds of hours each year to help the program and the students that are a part of it be organized and aide in our success. These students aide the staff as well as boosters alike on many fronts throughout the year. IMLC students represent their respective sections or ensembles while making decisions for the good of the program.
All IMLC members write essays, submit transcripts, interview/audition and attend a leadership camp in order to learn the skills it takes to handle such a large responsibility. The IMLC meets every Wednesday during Lunch. It is important to take part in this to make sure your voice is heard.
IMLC 2021 - 2022 Members
President - Maya Godard
Drum Major - Emily Kirkland
Assistant Drum Majors - Rachel Strausman & Jiya Sharma
Vice President - Karter Blauser
Secretary - Riya Agrawal
Publicist - Michael Scott
Pit - Olwyn Hagerty
Battery - Mikayla Flores
Woodwind - Jenni Arakaki
Brass - Nick Fischetti
Color Guard - Mackenzie Padfield
Section Leaders
Mellophone - Aman Sharma
Saxophone - Logan Padfield
Trumpet - Dominic Francis
Clarinet - Ethan Britt
Flute - Jenni Arakaki
Low Brass - Jaxon Danner
Class Representative
Concert Band - May Vu
Strings - Sonia Salunke
Jazz - Noah Godard